homophobia Archive

Two Zambian men convicted for engaging in gay sex: Two Zambian men were convicted for engaging in homosexual activity, last week Friday.
Online Chatter: The Tyson Beckford and Kim K “gay shade”: In this week’s weird celeb news roundup, reality star and business mogul, Kim Kardashian, allegedly alluded that international super model and fitness trainer, Tyson Beckford, was gay after he body shamed her
Opinion | Gay men – ‘out of control?: As the use of PrEP grows, some say it will cause gay men to stop using condoms. Sky Gilbert argues that this fear is based on the notion that gay men's desires must be controlled.
Zimbabwe | 50% of gay men assaulted and 64% disowned: Zimbabwe's LGBTI rights group, GALZ, has released a report that analyses the trends emerging from the violations of LGBTI people's rights in the country between 2012 to 2017.
So what’s the status of South Africa’s Hate Crimes Bill?: It’s been more than a decade since calls were first made for South Africa to enact hate
Twitter homophobia | Somizi and gay men told to stop dressing like clowns: In more news of South African men being homophobic, a Twitter user
Anti-LGBT crackdown fuels HIV health crisis in Indonesia: The Indonesian authorities are accused of fueling an HIV epidemic by standing by and in
Hungary | ‘Billy Elliot’ musical cancelled because “it’ll turn children gay”: The Hungarian production
DA says ACDP’s sentiments threaten to incite anti-gay violence: The DA in the Western Cape says that the ACDP’s support for anti-gay
Pink Loerie reacts to George Mayor’s homophobia: The organisers of the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival say they are saddened that the