CONSERVATIVE U.S. JEWS SEND MIXED MESSAGE: Conservative Jewish leaders in the U.S. have approved same-sex unions and gay ordination but, bizarrely, still voted to ban gay sex.
OUT TO PICKET POLICE STATION: Tshwane-based LGBT rights group, OUT, will be picketing the Brooklyn police station to address hate crimes and to protest against raids on Camp David.
SA TV’S FIRST GAY WEDDING: Popular television show, Isidingo, will broadcast South Africa’s first soapie same-sex marriage this week.
SA’S FIRST GAY WEDDING: It’s been reported that South Africa’s first legal same-sex wedding took place in George on Friday.
WORLD AIDS DAY INFO BITES: On World Aids Day we present a selection of news bites from around the world on the state of the epidemic.
WORLD AIDS DAY: TREATMENT A PIPE DREAM: African governments - including South Africa - have been slated for their continued lack of anti-AIDS treatment.
GAY MARRIAGE LEGAL!: In a surprising move, Vice President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka has signed the Civil Union Act into law – finally legalising same-sex marriages in South Africa.
COURT BLOCKS CAMP DAVID PICS: The Pretoria High Court has blocked a newspaper from publishing pictures taken of nude patrons during the recent police raid on the Camp David bar.
YOUTH FOCUS OF NEW AIDS PLAN: Young people between 15 and 24 have been identified as the priority by the country’s new HIV/AIDS strategic plan, due to be presented to the country on Friday.
VACANCIES AT OUT: Tshwane-based LGBT rights group, OUT, is looking for candidates to fill the posts of Sexual Health Manager and Advocacy Officer.
GAY MARRIAGE BILL MOVES FORWARD: The Civil Union Bill has been passed by the National Council of Provinces, paving the way for President Mbeki to sign the law by Friday.
TRANSGENDER CHARACTER FOR US SOAP: The US soap series, All My Children, will introduce an ongoing transgender character and storyline this week.
MALE SEX WORKER JAILED FOR MURDER: A male sex worker has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for the grisly murder of his client in Cape Town.
GLA IMPLICATED IN CRIME WEBSITE: A Cape Town politician says that he will ask police to investigate the man behind the Crime Expo website, alleged to be the leader of the GLA.
CON. COURT RULES ON GAY INHERITANCE: The Constitutional Court today ruled that same-sex life partners must have the same inheritance rights as heterosexual couples.
PRETORIA BAR RAIDED AGAIN: Police have raided a gay nude bar for the third time in two months - leading to claims of harassment.
JOHN QWELANE’S HOMOPHOBIA “APPALLING”: Gay media organisation, GEM, has slated another homophobic article by veteran journalist John Qwelane.
US MILITARY: HOMOSEXUALITY A “DEFECT”: The US military has again sparked outrage by classifying homosexuality as a defect.
UN DECRIMINALISATION CAMPAIGN PLANNED: The International Day Against Homophobia is leading a major campaign for a UN Resolution which will decriminalise homosexuality.
IRAN: GAY MAN EXECUTED: Reports claim that a gay man has been publicly hanged in Iran for sodomy.