Cape Town’s ILGA World Conference a Milestone for LGBTI Human Rights

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Delegates at the ILGA World Conference in Cape Town (Photos: Kim Windvogel for ILGA World)

From 11 to 15 November, Cape Town became a beacon of queer unity and progress as it hosted the largest-ever ILGA World Conference, marking a pivotal moment in the fight for global LGBTI human rights.

Over 1,450 delegates from more than 100 countries gathered under the theme “Kwa Umoja We Rise”—a Swahili phrase celebrating unity and collective progress.

This event, the 31st in ILGA World’s history, returned to African soil for the first time in 25 years, underscoring a renewed commitment to amplifying African voices and building solidarity across borders.

Hosted by South African organisations Iranti and Gender DynamiX, the conference reflected the resilience and determination of LGBTI activists worldwide.

A Global Call for Solidarity

Delegates from diverse backgrounds, including human rights defenders, policymakers, researchers, and allies, shared strategies to counter the growing wave of anti-rights movements.

The gathering also highlighted the importance of alliances across movements, showcasing the power of collaboration in creating inclusive and equitable societies.

Julia Ehrt, ILGA World’s Executive Director, captured the spirit of the event, saying:

“In such polarised and contentious times, it has been heartening to witness so many people coming together, strengthening bonds to resist the anti-rights wave, and keep advancing the human rights of LGBTI peoples.”

Ehrt continued: “This conference has been a testament to the resilience, courage, and determination of our global movement. In Cape Town, we witnessed the strength of our unity, and we are inspired to continue working toward a world where everyone is free to live authentically and without fear.”

Moments of Celebration and Strategic Progress

The conference featured a mix of celebratory and strategic initiatives. Highlights included:

  • The Inaugural International Pride Awards: A joint initiative by the UNDP and ILGA World that honoured trailblazers in LGBTI activism.
  • Intersectional Democracy Summit: A platform for exploring how inclusive governance can bolster human rights.
    IDAHOBIT 2025 Theme Announcement: The 2025 theme, “The Power of Communities,” will rally LGBTI communities worldwide to celebrate collective strength and solidarity.

ILGA World’s members also elected new leaders to steer the organisation. Kimberly Frost (United States) and Yuri Guaiana (Italy) will serve as co-Secretaries General, succeeding Luz Elena Aranda (Mexico) and Tuisina Ymania Brown (Samoa). The chairs of various steering committees were also elected, ensuring diverse representation across key areas of advocacy.

African Activism in the Spotlight

As the world turned its focus to Cape Town, local activists showcased their unique approaches to tackling inequality.

Liberty Matthyse, Executive Director of Gender DynamiX, and Jade Jacobs-Wort, Knowledge and Research Manager at Iranti, emphasised the importance of grassroots activism:

“We are proud to have hosted the global LGBTI community in Africa, and to have created spaces for them to witness what activism looks like in our context, our work with grassroots communities, and how we keep pushing forward towards equal rights for all. Let this event be a testament to the true solidarity that can come alive when diverse movements work with each other and forge alliances.”

Looking Ahead

The conference concluded with an announcement that Buenos Aires, Argentina, will host the next ILGA World Conference.

This continuation reaffirms ILGA World’s dedication to fostering collaboration and amplifying LGBTI voices globally.

As Cape Town bids farewell to this transformative gathering, its legacy will undoubtedly inspire new waves of activism and progress, reminding the world that unity and solidarity remain the most potent tools in the fight for equality.


*MambaOnline was an official media partner of the ILGA World Conference.

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