A Charolais bull
There are efforts under way to save a bull named Benjy, who’s been earmarked for the slaughterhouse because he’s gay.
The pedigree Charolais bull was bought for breeding by an Irish farmer in Mayo, but Benjy has shown a distinct lack of interest in the ladies; preferring instead to cast his amorous eyes on the other bulls.
The farmer, who has remained anonymous, told Irish Daily Mail, that he first believed that the bull was either not well or had some kind of anxiety with “doing the business in public.”
The farmer then noticed that Benji appeared to be attracted to bulls. “Benjy had already been tested and everything was normal, so it became apparent that the problem lay elsewhere,” he said.
“At first I didn’t take seriously that the bull could be gay but after seeking advice I know this can happen,” he explained.
In fact, homosexuality in nature is widely observed and same-sex attraction is noted in over 1,500 species.
The farmer added that as the bull was of no use to him, Benji would have to be slaughtered.
Outraged gay rights and animal activists have now launched a campaign to ensure that Benji has a brighter future ahead of him.
TheGayUK magazine, along with Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) from Ireland and Hillside Animal Sanctuary, is aiming to raise £5,000 through a crowd funding site to buy Benjy and have him re-homed by the sanctuary.
“The plight of little Benjy is hitting the hearts and households of Irish society with the reality of what will face this innocent boy if someone somewhere doesn’t step in,” said ARAN’s John Carmody.
“As a gay man myself, I know only too well what it is like to be treated indifferently, that’s why I hope we can give Benjy a second chance in life whilst helping to bring attention to the problems facing all gay people everywhere around the world, and of course the many other Benjys that are brought to slaughter on a daily basis who are not so lucky.”
The cut-off date to raise the full amount is 10 December, after which it may become too late to save the bull.
Good news for Benjy the gay bull. The co-creator of The Simpsons has stepped in to save him from the slaughterhouse. Read more: http://ow.ly/Et55X
Has The Whole World Gone Completely BONKERS ??? It’s A Queer Bull !!! I’ll Bet He Tastes Good !!!