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straight_man_beaten_defending_gay_friendsA straight American man was beaten up after defending his gay friends in Omaha, Nebraska over the weekend.

Ryan Langenegger and his two gay friends, Josh Foo and Jacob Gellinger, were eating at a restaurant on Saturday night when three men began to verbally abuse his pals.

Langenegger told WOWT 6 News that one of the men called Gellinger, who was dressed in drag, “disgusting” and used other “colourful language”.

They decided to leave the venue to avoid a confrontation but the three men followed them outside and blocked them from leaving.

“I stepped in and said, ‘Hey we aren’t looking for any trouble,’ and as I’m talking to him one of his friends from the corner of my eye comes up and hits me in the face. I stand up and he also swings at my other friend and misses and I just look at him and say, ‘Why?’ There’s no reason for this,” said Langenegger.

Despite a bruise, two chipped teeth and a gash on his forehead, he said he’d do it again.

“I see this happen all the time with my friends and it’s really sickening. It’s 2013, we live in Omaha, a lot of people don’t realise that this stuff is going on and it’s just not right, and I’m just not going to stand by and watch my friends and pretty much family get degraded it’s just not right,” Langenegger told WOWT 6 News.

The three men are hoping that CCTV footage of the incident can be used to identify the attackers.

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