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Archbishop Ignatius Kaigamaalso

Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama

Nigeria’s Catholic Bishops have slammed same-sex marriage as unhealthy, unnatural and foreign to Africa.

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Nigeria made the condemnation in a statement, signed by Conference president Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, following a meeting held in Otukpo on the weekend.

The bishops expressed their concern about “the continuous attempts by foreign agencies to introduce unhealthy values in our society in their campaigns for abortion, condom distribution and promotion of homosexual unions”.

They went on to “condemn these actions” and appealed “to the good people of Nigeria so that they also reject these attempts, otherwise we risk losing our faith, our identity and our culture of self-love”.

The bishops also proclaimed their support for parliament’s rejection of a bill that sought to legalise same sex marriage.

“We sincerely congratulate the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for her firm stand and outright rejection of the Bill on Same-Sex Union. Natural law and our faith tell us that same-sex union is truly unnatural, unwholesome, and contrary to the plan of God,” said the bishops.

President Goodluck Jonathan has yet to sign another bill passed in parliament in May that will jail anyone involved in same-sex marriage ceremonies (including the guests), anyone showing same-sex affection and anyone who does not turn in gay people to the authorities.

Current legislation punishes homosexual acts in Nigeria with up to 14 years’ imprisonment, or death by stoning in northern regions.

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