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Nicolas Gonzales aka Donny Wright

An American gay porn actor has been arrested after he was caught drunkenly masturbating in a fire station in Louisville, Kentucky.

Twenty-seven-year old Nicolas Gonzales is alleged to have smashed a window to gain entry into the fire station and then began masturbating on fire-fighting equipment.

Fire-fighter Michael Davenport caught Gonzales in the act and said that the actor simply ignored him and went on as if he wasn’t there.

“He continued his lewd act and that’s when I grabbed him by his shirt and drug him out,” Davenport told WAVE News.

It was later revealed by Gawker that Gonzales is better known to the public as Donny Wright and has appeared in videos including Unglory Hole 2 and Hot House Backroom 23.

According to WHAS11, Gonzales told police that he broke into the fire station “Because I wanted to”.

He has been charged with burglary, public intoxication and criminal mischief.

A post on Donny Wright’s Twitter feed confirmed that he was in Kentucky around the time of the incident.

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