Acclaimed actor Morgan Freeman has narrated a new video, titled Dawn of a New Day, celebrating recent wins in the US in favour of same-sex marriage rights.
The national television ad campaign was produced for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organisation.
“America stands at the dawn of a new day,” says the Academy Award winner in the video.
“Freedom, justice and human dignity have always guided our journey toward a more perfect union. Now across our country, we are standing together for the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry the person they love.
“And with historic victories for marriage, we’ve delivered a mandate for full equality. The wind is at our back. But our journey has just begun. Join us,” concludes Freeman in the ad.
Earlier this month, the majority of voters in four US states voted in favour of marriage equality; the first time that same-sex marriage was legalised in any US state on the basis of a popular vote.
“This year proved to be a pivotal turning point in the movement for marriage equality and now we press onward with renewed vigour and public opinion squarely on our side,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “While we celebrate today, we will keep fighting until full equality has reached every single person in every corner of this vast country.”
Watch the video below.
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