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Following historic gay marriage wins in the US states of Maine and Maryland, voters in Minnesota have said no to banning same-sex marriage in their state.

On Tuesday, 51% of Minnesota voters opted to reject an amendment to the state’s constitution that would have defined marriage as only being between one man and one woman.

“Minnesota is a prime example that we are experiencing a sea change in how Americans view their LGBT neighbours.  With 30 states having voted to write discrimination into their constitutions, Minnesotans stood up and said, ‘not us,’ and more are sure to follow their lead,” commented Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin.

“No amount of lies and deception funded by deep-pocketed donors could convince Minnesotans that loving and committed couples should be excluded from marriage,” he added.

The victory comes shortly after Maine and Maryland became the first-ever states in the US to legalise same-sex marriage on the basis of a popular vote.

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