
International activist hacking groups – described as ‘hacktivists’ – have again hijacked or shut down websites in various African countries that persecute gays and lesbians in protest against their anti-gay policies.

In what they called operation “OpFuckAfrica,” the Anonymous and TheEliteSociety groups targeted websites in Botswana, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda.

“You want to put people to death, and support the beliefs of the killings of the LGBT people only because they have different likings than you do, how fucking disgusting,” said the groups in a statement.

The attacks are similar to those in June in which the hackers brought down Uganda’s national bank website, official news websites, and the country’s department of defence website.

The latest assault saw the hackers taking over Ugandan Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi’s website this week. They posted a fictitious statement on the site in which Mbabazi apologised for his government’s anti-gay stance and expressed his support for the recent Uganda gay Pride week.

“We have got to expel the narrow mindedness from this country, and begin afresh, starting with a full and formal apology to all homosexuals living in Uganda today,” Mbabazi was “quoted” as saying.

The groups also addressed the prime minister on the website: “You should be PROUD of your LGBT citizens, because they clearly have more balls than you will ever have.”

They further explained on Pastebin: “Today’s hack and deface of the Ugandan Prime Minister’s site was the latest in a long list of actions against the government and infrastructure of Uganda for crimes against LGBT people.

“We will not stand by while LGBT Ugandans are victimized, abused and murdered by a ruthless and corrupt government. #TheEliteSociety and #Anonymous will continue to target Ugandan government sites and communications until the government of Uganda treats all people including LGBT equally and with respect, dignity and immediately ends the arrest and harassment of LGBT,” they said.

The hackers also claimed to have attacked 73 official government websites in Sudan, where homosexuality can be punished with the death penalty, including the president’s website.

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