Lady Gaga has debuted her anticipated new single Born This Way, described by Elton John as a gay anthem, on the internet.
In October last year, Elton John said that he had heard the song, commenting: “Born This Way, which is the title song, will completely get rid of Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive. This is the new I Will Survive. That was the gay anthem. This is the new gay anthem.”
Earlier this month, Gaga released the lyrics to the song with much fanfare.
While the gay community has celebrated the pro-gay lyrics, Hispanic and Asian groups have slammed Gaga’s use of the words “chola” and “orient” in the song as offensive.
Gaga, who has said that she is bisexual, told Rolling Stone magazine last year that her new album will be much more political than her previous work.
Listen to the song below.
It Rocks!. I Love it!! I don’t even care if it sounds similar to Madonna’s Express Yourself. Express ourself were never written especially for LBGTI people, so it did not have half the meaning.
The beat is great and I can just imagine this playing at pride marches and in clubs. Mama Monster knows her fans. I do however think “I will Survive” will always stay right up there. But this could become a more modern gay anthem too.
And even if you hate the song, I think she should be commended for what she is trying to do at least. Well done Lady Gaga!