What’s up with all these damn gay pageants? Do we really need more? Isn’t just being a regular queen enough? Do we really need to justify our queerness with crowns, tiaras and sashes? Or do queer folk just really love shiny jewellery and titles?
I recently read some harsh comments about the Mr. Gay South Africa ™ competition and they really made me think. Most of the comments were rather unflattering and probably written by a jaded bitch queen with mommy issues, but, with that said, a few of the remarks do hold some truths about our community.
The gay community can be rather bitchy, spiteful, backstabbing and overly dramatic and none of this is better portrayed than when it comes to gay pageants. Put a bunch of queens together on a stage, tell them they are competing for a crown, a title and some cheap-ass sponsored prizes or booze, then sit back and watch the sparks fly.
For some bizarre reason if a queen is on a stage, even if he was never competitive in his life, a switch is flipped. This switch puts blinders on the poor dear and the whole competition becomes extremely important, a matter of life and death, where winning is everything and losing means your whole life is a complete and utter failure.
Most of us who have been around a few dodgy night clubs have heard the rumours that their “beauty” pageants are rigged. The queen that is the most popular and loyal amongst the upper echelon of that particular night club always wins, no matter what the judges’ score sheets say.
True or not, I find the very concept of gay pageants quite queer. I’ve always suspected that the idea must have once been conceived by a group of old queens sitting around debating how they could get to check out some tight, young, gay ass.
“So what’s the point of pageants. Yes the guys are hunky and the drag queens are funky but do we really need them?”
And voila, gay pageants were born. What a shrewd way to get a bunch of young hunks together in one venue, have them strip down to their underwear and have them strut their stuff!
When the queen finally has his title what happens next? It’s simple, he will strut his fagalicious ass around that night club for exactly one year, being the club’s “ambassador” and the envy of all his minions, and that’s pretty much where it ends – until the whole cycle repeats itself the following year.
With bigger and more professional competitions, where the queen competes for a national title, the story differs slightly. Now he can go on to compete for a global title and take over the world and become the earthly ambassador of all queens everywhere!
Like Miss World you will read about these winners on a side bar of a web page somewhere, think they are pretty, check which country they represents and then go about your business. Even though they profess world peace, feeding hungry children, bathing and clothing the homeless and finding a cure for dreaded diseases, none of the contestants actually accomplish any of these things.
I still see dirty homeless people, hungry children and wars. So what’s the point? Are they nothing more than pretty faces to represent a charity or two, hunky man meat to grace benefit dinners or a nice magazine cover when an actual celebrity cancelled? Are they really making a difference? You decide for yourself.
So what’s the point of pageants. Yes the guys are hunky and the drag queens are funky but do we really need them? Honestly, I think we kind of do.
They are a great form of alternative entertainment; as long as we are truthful about them and don’t try and fool people into believing pageants are something they are not. These queens will not save the world but they could very well save you from a dull night at home.
Last line. I think the last line is what is mostley about.
Why shouldent we have pagents, the straits have them in every small town all over the place. So why not us.
I dont think the winner is going to change the worl, or even do any thing with the”Title”. But it is an Opportunity too!
Till that day, I will go out and scream with all the others at the pritties on stage!
Gay pageants. Well said Pierre! I agree 100% Once the tiara is put on and the sash draped over the shoulder normal commonsense and intelligence drop to zero!
Lol. I so so agree with u. True words… lol
And U Mr Le Roux?. U say: “I’ve always suspected that the idea must have once been conceived by a group of old queens sitting around debating how they could get to check out some tight, young, gay ass.”
You are not exactly a spring chicken yourself, are you? lol!
Mirror. LOL, no I’m not *wink* Father time is kind to no one.
Hehehe. Very true! lol
Mr Gay SA. I think Mr Gay SA is just fabulous, bring it on! Why can’t we celebrate our gorgeous and friendly hunks? I really don’t care if they actually do go out and nurse babies, good if they do – but I am honest – I want to see them in their underwear first!
Mr Gay South Africa. I am sure you have the right to think what you want to, but when you don’t know what is actually going on, it pretty pointless to think then isn’t it?! Charl won Mr. Gay World and no one can really say that they have tried achieving that goal! He is now well known and he deserves it 100%. The pageant is VERY well run and I must say, comparing to the Mr. South Africa last year, Mr. Gay South Africa pageant was 200% better and more professional! So for someone like you whom doesn’t really know what is going on in the gay community, please do shut your mouth as it is pointless to hear YOU say something. What has Mr. South Africa really done? Another funny thing, if you say this is so bad, why was the venue last year fully filled with 1200 people??? I rest my case!
Agreed, but …. I don’t think the writer actually meant Mr. Gay SA, he had it in for club pageants? He ends off by saying it is actually a positive thing?
Frank. It’s typical for people to tell others to shut their mouths when their views are different. I also find it quite astonishing that people become so defensive when it comes to Mr Gay SA, it does make one wonder why that is? I say lighten up!
To Pierre. I think a lot of people are really into the competition and following it, and as such, like a lot of things in our community, get quite emotional about it. They just want it to be good that’s all.
Distinction between clubs and Mr Gay SA. I think there must be a fine line drawn between local club pageants and a national competition like Mr. Gay SA. Clubs maybe be rigged, but I don’t think Mr Gay SA can be. The judges like Mamba’s own editor and people like the international judges like year and not likely to be influenced by the organizers.
Too many. I believe there are too many pageants – there has to be one national committee deciding how the structure works, you have one national competition and various clubs where you can also qualify as a finalist for Mr. GSA. I recently enetered into a competition where after other people found out, told me that “i must sleep with somebody” and if i have a boyfriend,i will never make it. I was quite shocked and will make my own assumption when participating. Competition is always good but the rules must be transparent right trough a competition !
But …. Don’t know why they said that, most of the guys who have made it so far have bfs, e.g. Andr?, Jared, Karel-Heinz etc.
Mr Gay SA. I just want to say Thank God the Mr Gay SA is something to be proud of again and not what it was 3 or more years ago … or wait – there were actually no pageant 3 years ago!
Whilst on the subject …North Regional Final of Mr GSA *wink*. The after-party of the North Regional Finals of Mr. GSA on Sat. 4 Sept. will be at Q-bar, c/o Hans Strydom & Olympus, Faerie Glen. Entry is only R30. No need tobook, but you have to book for the Regional Final itself – hennie@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Hallo Coenie …. Hallo Coenie … lol!
LoL!. Wie s? dis Coenie!
Let the Contests go on. I reckon the Gay Contests / Pageants should definately go on. Yes – the Gay community can be rather bitchy, spiteful, backstabbing and overly dramatic – yet why should it be the majority that ruin it / or give a bad name for the minority, or vice verse. There are still loads of decent, real, well mannered / mature guys out there who are not into the whole false pretence act, and not let a contest / pageant go to there heads. As long as these contests are conducted in the correct way and kept unbiased by all involved including the judges. Guys should be able to express themselves and show off there stuff, just like any other international pageant. And after all – we are all here to support our LGBT Community, seeking Ambassadors & having Good Clean FUN!! in the process.
don’t you find it disruptive and irritating when they decide to have a “pagent” on a night out??? i do. the music stops and a drag queen takes over for an entire hour!!!! honestly i head for the door.
Bad name.. I dont mind the concept of the pagents, but the way in which they are conducted etc.. just adds to the stero-type that the communit already perseives gay people to be __ flapping, prissy queens that wear female cloths. Sadly, they dont see the other side of it..
We need to change the way people view this in order to move forward!
Charl. Charl has travelled all over the world representing the community and SA, most recently as Mr. Gay World in Berlin. He stated our case very eloquently in major mainstream media in SA e.g. Rapport, Sunday Times, on TV (Kw?la) and many others – an opportunity never before given to any gay man. As such, he has had a major positive impact. He will again be representing us in New York soon and in Manila for Mr. Gay World 2011.
he could be doing more. representing south africa in foreign countries is doing nothing for gay people on ground level. What about lesbians go get beaten and raped? What about gay bashing and homophobia? What does going to Manilla do for them????
Dear ‘and?’. Dear ‘and?’
I fully understand your perception and you have all the right to question what I have done for the gay community of South Africa, after all, you form part of the community that chose me. Although I usually do not choose to comment on writings such as these to validate my position, I felt it necesary to reply to you, as I am sure that others of like mindedness would also like to know.
Firstly, to Will, thanks for the words. Being a visible presence in the media, as I was in the beginning of the year, was most certainly one of the ways in which, as Will said, I was able to communicate to the general public our ‘case’. It was my aim to break down stereotypes formed by the public (and often INformed by us). This happened with great success as to this day my inboxes are inundated with messages from the straight (and sometimes even gay) community relaying their support and thanks for representing a community on such a level.
You said that there is much more that I could do that could effect the community on grassroots level. One of my other goals was to be able to set up systems in neighbouring countries where we could create support to members of the LBGTI community in Africa. I am PROUD to say that I was there when Namibia launched their LGBTI Network and that the motto I had carried with me during the run up to Mr Gay South Africa (People are people before they are different) became their motto-I am truly honoured and humbled to have been the inspiration for something that will surely have lasting effects. It is only my wish that more of these networks could start up, but as we all know, its not always that easy.
Do you remember when the two Malawian men were sentenced to 14 years in prison? The very next day myself and the editor of Pink Tongue attended a march in front of Home Affairs where we petitioned for asylum and the release of these two men. We marched and I was granted the opportunity to speak my mind along with others. The foloowing few days the two men were released from prison.
I can understand how you might think that travelling abroad could do nothing for the LGBTI at grassroots level especially when we have our women killed and raped in the townships, kids deserted because of HIV relarted illnesses and people out there that think now that we have a Billed passed we can sleep sound at night knowing our rights are protected. But then again, you are not in my shoes and do not have the responsibility of representing an entire global community. As lovely as these travels might seem, I can assure you they are not in vain. I do not travel for luxury’s sake but with a purpose. I have the opportunity to meet with other inlfuential LGBTI people across the globe. We do not just ‘sip champaigne and eat oysters’ but learn from each others experience in our own countries and hopefully in so doing form a general knowledge of how to tackle issues that the LGBTI are face with today and implimenting it in our own countries. Once again, global scale, global task!
I am not one that likes to ring a bell and say “Hey, look at what I”VE done for you today” I do not need the tap on my back as I fully know my worth and what I have accomplished during my year so far. I rather choose to be someone that likes to get others mobilized. To get them to take Pride in themselves and their community and do something in their local community that will benefit all and uplift, instead of standing on the sideline pointing fingers.
I hope that I have somehow been able to put your concerns to rest about what I have done for the community this year and can only trust that I have encouraged you to do something contructive for your local LGBTI community.
Kind Regards
Charl van den Berg
Mr Gay South Africa2009
Mr Gay World 2010
Dear ‘and?’…. Do you honestly believe what you wrote? If you do you are delusional. None of the positive outcomes had anything directly to do with you or your title. You have no clue about affecting change on grass root level. I hope you don’t wake up from your dream because reality may just devastate you!
Not so sure about this…. Sjoe ? that’s a bit harsh
Call me a starry eyed naive child, but I entered the competition in order to really make a difference.
I am already in a position where I can help people, especially on emotional level and have been doing
so for a number of years. The competition to me would open so many doors and introduce me to so many
people (winner or not) that there wasn’t any question on whether or not to enter.
I am afraid that the image portrayed in the article creates yet another stereotype of the gay community.
Personally I don’t hang out in clubs and I do not covet a tiara. I want to help people and think that a pageant such as Mr Gay South Africa is an awesome platform for any proud man to do so from.
Healer and proud Mr Gay South Africa 2010 entrant, amongst other things…
As a sidenote – even if the Miss World pageant didn’t bring world peace, the $400 million USD they raised in the past 25 years for children’s charities surely must have made a difference to the children involved?
Dreams. Admiring your intensions, but please don’t be na?ve! Coennie trained you well plugging your entry here on Mamba. Have you been plugging Coennie?
Re: Dreams. No training needed to share my point of view *smiley* But then it is just that – mine. And you are entitled to yours *smiley*
Pageants. 1st of all, Mr Gay South Africa is in an leque of it’s own. Being in an pageant is not ony a dream but also a work. Once suceeding in getting the title u should use the platform that the title give you to reach out for those in need and different charities. The sucess of a reigner is measured by what they could accomplished in their year. I think it’s time for the gay community to stand together and support one another.
yup. I agree with you 100%, Tommy
Amen. I love this article, it is so so so true. The damn bitchy gay boys these days competing in something meaningless in the clubs makes me sick. U must see them, especially at RAMPS. They like a buch of robots strutting there stuff after Miss. B. Shame they dont have a life, constantly gossiping and making nasty comments, but they should rather be worried about themselves. Its so sad really. Always trying to be and look better, always jealous and always stuffing there noses in other peopl’s business. Thank God I am not so involved in the community. It is a bloody joke man. Really these girly bitchy gay boys should come down to earth and be normal acting. Stop pretending to live life as if u starring in a life drama. It is not always about drama. Grow up bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is way more important things out there then stupid unfair pageants.
Grow up bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I second that!!!
AG PLEASE………. Guys grow up !!!!!
What the fuck?????? Why do you wnt to be mr gay sa?? or a title holder at some dodgy club?
I mean most of these title holders are scanky queens and as kommin as grass…
And Mr Gay SA was a joke and also rigged as far as rumours goes……
So I stay as far away from these pageants as possible cause I have a life and Im gay and that means I love men… – I dont have to go about and try to be better than others or try to fit in to the “title holder ” group…
If you wanna shine and be different or show off ur wig or dress or sixpack go to the pride !!!!!
Thats all bitches…
my opinion. I believe that everybody has the right to their own opinion and thus I will give my honest opinion as well.
I personally do find this a little offensive due to the fact that you are simply stereo typing anyone who enters a gay pageant. But speaking for myself, who is taking part in Mr. Gay SA this coming Saturday, I believe this not to be true. Yes you do get people who will do anything to get their hands on a title, but we are not animals. We are civilized and human. Just to participate in this event is already a big honour for me due to the fact that one of my life goals is to leave big footprints in our gay community in the word one day by actually going out and making a difference.
I believe in my heart that I will get to do that one day even if I don’t know exactly when. So I’m going Saturday mainly just to take part and have fun. If I don’t make it Saturday, I will still have the biggest smile on my face because I know there will be many other opportunities and also know that God knows that the person going through will be able to make a bigger change at this time than I.
And if I happen to make it through, 1stly I’ll have a stupid look on my face and think Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out anytime and yell that I’ve been Punked! But I can promise you that I will go out of my way to do what I’ve said I would and tackle even further options and causes.
Yes I’m brutally honest and admit, I CANT WAIT TO WALK IN THE UNDERWEAR! But that doesn’t mean I mean I don’t take it seriously. In fact, if there is one thing I have learned this year with my own breast cancer project, it is that I have allot of perseverance and I’ll stand up and fight for what I believe in till the end no matter how hard it gets.
Something I would like to get out though is that I believe anyone can go out and make a difference. A title just makes it tad easier thanks to power over the community. And coming from a small town, where not allot of gay news always reaches our media and ears; I would like to say that I AM VERRY PROUD OF CHARL and look greatly up to him.
Because even though we don’t always get the breaking news on this side, he still managed to get through to people here.
And lastly, from my own experience, EVERY LITLE CHANGE MAKES A BIG DIFERENCE.
(The man in the pink bra)
Old Queens. Honestly….. there is not one single HOT guy in the Mr Gay S.A pageant this year and it’s not that we lack the talent…. i bet you this whole thing is rigged or maybe its all about how well you can lick an organizer’s ass or how popular you are in the gay clubbing scene~ and yet, the sheep flock to watch and support it, makes me sick!
I so totally agree, what I would like to know is just who are these so called judges.. what are there credentials if any.. where did they crawl out and in who`s pie they had there fingers.. since when do you drive after where the so called …pageants are being held and not one from that area ie: Durban are actually finalists but the ones you drove down from JHB are first second and third place “WTF“.. nothing uglier than a skeleton with a smile let alone anorexic cases with underpants on… so the bodies are not there nor can the brains `cause no`one with any would parade in the same underpants pageant in pageant out and then create a blog under false names to promote yourself.. it`s a farce for old Queens that can`t get any.. sure you understand my underlying…….??? do me and I`ll do you……. what a fucking joke!!! I totally get it and agree! This is a fucking joke! especially the “fly-inn” contestants! WTF! The skinny skeleton underwear models, SCARY! Isn’t our Mr. Gay S.A supposed to be some sort of “Idol” to us. I actually know a couple of these fi…nalists and i’ll tell you, they represent nothing that i want or want to be. All i see in them is young desperate, ugly, attention seeking gay boys – isn’t that why we’ve got these predictable gay clubs ruled by men in dresses wearing feathers for undies thinking i’m the queen of god knows what?? Go play on your own turf, you’re mocking the rest of us! this is exactly what they do, I raised this with some of the organisers and was brushed of with “IT IS ABOUT BRAINS“ lmfao brains where the fuck are the brains anyone with brains will know that someone else with brains will not fall for the no brain setup you don`t drive your little boys from town to town to compete… and then actually elect them as 123 etc`… I think if the sponsors has to get hold of this some heads will roll… these little Queens with there sashes are nothing but ……..!!!
Queens have there little do`s in the clubs.. and they wear there crowns accordingly.. someone that`s gonna go out to represent the gay community should be just that a Idol… not someone that is as big a joke as the one`s that organised the big joke… pls don`t say you are representing the gay community, “WHO GAVE YOU THE OUTHORITY TO DO THAT“…. ????…. HAVE YOUR LITTLE DO`S AND LEAVE THE GAY COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE OUT OF THIS, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT!!!
Hahaha luckily i’m not friends with any of them, but i guess i should still refrain from mentioning names. Maybe i should just publish this and change our names to Adam and Steve. I guess my point was made, well at least to you. Maybe when …we’re old,fat & desperate one day, we should start our own little thing, we can call it queers of the past or something……. maybe then….we would totally get this whole thing and even think that we’ve done such a great job bullshitting people and think it’s all been worth it – AT LEAST NOW WE’RE GETTING LAID!!!