Sarah Palin, the controversial US Republican vice-presidential nominee, has said that she believes that being gay is a choice.
Palin, who is the running mate of John McCain in the presidential campaign, made the statement in a television interview this week with Katie Couric from CBS News.
“As for homosexuality, I am not going to judge Americans and the decisions that they make in their adult personal relationships,” said Palin.
“…one of my best friends for the last 30 years happens to be gay and I love her dearly. She’s not my gay friend, she is one of my best friends who happens to have made a choice that isn’t a choice that I have made. But I’m not going to judge people.”
Palin, who is governor of Alaska, is said to oppose same-sex marriage and previously supported an Alaskan constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples.
….. … and she chose to be dumb and ignorant.
Ag antie. Fokkof net. Gaan jag ”n takbok.
Sarah Palin. Ja, ek stem saam! Fokkof! Gaan jag ”n takbok!
Ag Antie!!!. Ek sal tot my jaggeweer vir haar leen!!! 🙂
wats the point?!. wat is the point of NOT allowing state health benefits to same-sex couples, so they can save money? Or do they honestly believe it is wrong? Do they also believe that masturbation is wrong cause that is sex with yourself! Is being a dominant mother a choice, is being an emotionally unavailable father a choice? Is the way you identify with gender when you are in nursery school a choice? Is being a victim of abuse a choice? Everything is a choice, directly or indirectly. Why do dillusional people run the world?
Palin. We can understand her comments for the following reason – she”s a conservative (Republican) Christian American. That will explain everything that she says and does…and why it”s all going wrong for them.
Palin. Yup! With you on this one…
Lacking… Lack of education if you ask me…a little more research will prove her wrong. Poor thing!
Lack. She”s not well informed and clearly skipped biology classes… Or maybe she was one of the so called “cool girls” and bunked too much…
With you!
Decision..?. I think Sarah Palin is not well informed, even though she might have this best, BEST gay friend. Something to think about…
How would any person DECIDE to become gay and suffer for a lifetime because friends and family might not accept the fact.
How would any person DECIDE to live a ”lifestyle” when you know it”s not the norm, not being able to walk hand in hand in public being stared or laughed at…
I don”t think any caring, loving, normal human being would make a so-called decision to now suddenly turn gay and suffer the consequences. Because some days – being a part of the gay community is TOUGH and HARD. It wasn”t a choice!
Kind Regards,
Ag. Will we ever move on?Why are we still having this conversation?
dot, dot, dash…. Shame, I don”t know how to feel, when someone says something like that. Honestly…all I can do is say I hope one day, what your sexual preferance, would not be such an issue but rather what one contributes to society, in terms of value, the good you can do for the greater good. I really can”t wait for that day, when your orientation is not important, when all one see”s are human beings. I find it quite astounding that this woman can say something so redundant. The hidden message I see, is that she too is gay, but has chosen to be hetrosexual, because why the heck would it matter to her so much what the chose of millions of people out there are and her best friend. In my humble opinion there are some deep seated issues of her own at hand and someone should maybe pass her the number of a help line where she can receive consul.
I wish it was true. How I wish it was a choise because I would not have chosen to be a gay because it is what I do not want to be. I want to straight. If it was a choice I would have chosen to be straight.
Sarah Palin. Oh good grief – seems we lost one idiot in the form of our very own Dr Beetroot and America has found their very own idiot of choice in Sarah Palin!