Rijesh, Survivor South Africa’s Speedo-wearing and only openly gay contestant, has become the sixth castaway to be voted off the latest Malaysia-set reality series. Love or hate him, this cocky 30 year old sales executive and part-time bartender and model, has certainly made an impression on television viewers. Mambaonline recently got the opportunity to get to know the straight-talking Rijesh…
Where were you born?
I was born in Eshowe on the Natal North Coast. When I was 13 I moved to Verulam so I could attend the Indian High school. Now I live in Bramley, Johannesburg. As much as this has become home for the past five years, Durban is where my heart will always be…
When did you first come out to family and friends?
I came out to my dad first and he was amazing. Then my little sister who I am very close to. As for my friends, I never heard from most of the guys I grew up with after I told them – even though they said they were cool with it. Considering the fact that I am Indian it was not traumatic at all. In fact I wish that every gay guy would have the support and love my family gave me.
Why did you decide to enter Survivor?
Well, I wanted to do something adventurous before I turned 30 and one of my goals was to travel overseas – so what better way to kill two birds with one stone…
Were you a big Survivor fan?
Nah, not really. I used to watch it quite often but it started to cut into my gym time so I kinda lost interest: now I catch the reruns whenever I can.
How did you prepare to take part in the show?
I didn’t! I ate, smoked and partied just as much as always I did. I just didn’t have enough time to really bulk up or learn to swim or any of that stuff. I went with what I had.
Were you concerned about coming out on national TV?
Nah… My family and close friends know that I’m gay so it didn’t really matter if others find out. Besides it will separate my real friends from those who are not.
Do you think that gay celebrities have a responsibility to come out the closet?
No. People should do what they are comfortable with. Personally, when you do come out it’s like the weight of the world comes off your shoulders. However there are some narrow-minded morons still living in the past so you have to sometimes contend with their sad-ass remarks. It would be cool to see our South African celebs come out though…
Was it difficult to keep things secret until the show started or until you were voted off?
Abso-fuckin-lutely! I mean, me and my big mouth keeping a secret of this caliber…
Do you think that being gay affected your chances on the show or changed other contestant’s attitudes towards you?
Other than the exception of Dyke being a bit on the homophobic side it was never an issue. Both the guys and girls were comfortable around me. They were all very surprised because I don’t come across as gay, but they where cool! I would have liked to have gone up against Dyke in the one challenge where we had to dig up the coconut and wrestle to bring it back and place it on the skewer. My strategy would have been to kiss Dyke on the mouth, pull the coconut out his hand while he was still in a daze and run away with it…
“I love Pride! It’s the one time in the year when all the moffies come together and it’s good to see them support one another…”
Now that would have been something to see! Do you think that your role as a strong gay man on the show was good for the gay community?
Absolutely! Ignorant straight people should know that they just cannot walk all over us just because we’re gay. We’re just as good as they are – if not, in my opinion, better! Gay people should go out and try different things and not hesitate just because they’re gay.
Would you like to be a role model?
Why not? If it means teaching people to believe in themselves then why not…
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, I have! I was seven and she was nine and she point blank refused to accept my apple… Bitch! Seriously, yes it has happened twice. The first time the guy wasn’t ready to commit and the second time the guy turned out to be a dick.
Which of the guys on the show did you think was most attractive?
None! Eeeeuw! I would marry [Survivor presenter] Mark Bayly any day. I mean my mother would be really proud if I took a guy like Mark home… Hint: I’m single Mark!
What do you do to relax and chill out?
I hang out with some of the most amazing people: my friends. We go to movies, we’ve started doing yoga – which is very hard but very cool – and mostly just hang out and make fun of straight people and the way they dance.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Nope. I have a tendency to attract total dogs…
So, how would you describe your perfect man then?
Firstly queens just ain’t my thang! My ideal man is left handed, nice shoes, pretty eyes, must get along with my mates and family and must like some kind of sport. I tend to go more for the chunky hunkies…
You work as a part-time model: Do you like the attention?
It has its advantages – like never having to wait in line to get into a club, or pay for that matter, but I’m not one of those over-the-top kinda guys. I keep it simple and I have my friends and family to bring me down to earth if I get out of hand.
How do you feel about Pride? Will you take part this year?
I love Pride! It’s the one time in the year when all the moffies come together and it’s good to see them support one another. With regard to participating, I’ll see what happens; you just may see me driving the Ramp Divas truck this year… Going for the construction worker look! (Laughs)
You seem very confident. Some might say arrogant? How would you respond?
I’ve been told that I’m arrogant. When you’ve been on the scene long enough to know what some people are about you have to be so we can set them straight. Besides, I have the goods to be arrogant! (Laughs)
Do you think that taking part in the show will change your life at all?
Nah. In the words of Gloria [Gaynor], “I am who I am…” And that’s how I’ll always stay; with my feet firmly on the ground.
Tell us something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I am fascinated with chicks with nicely shaped and sized boobs! (Laughs)
Good riddance!. He is an asshole…The typical pretentious type who thinks the world of himselve, with no depth and substance. I’m glad he is been voted off!
That’s ur Problem… Thank you very much for your comment/s … how ever if you’ve followed the show and my interviews then you would know that this is just a game and this is not necessarily how i am … All i have to say to you is ‘Don’t hate the playa , hate the game ‘
Good one!. Good one, Rijesh. Pity we don’t stand together more often. Was sorry to see u go off Survivor so soon.
We need some UNITY in our community… hey there … I totally agree with you .. I am amazed at how litttle support i received from the gay community . and there I was out there on National tv saying what straight people can do we can do it better … Anyway to the guys that supported me when I was out there and those that still support me , THANK YOU SO MUCH !
Your comments on mamba bordered on arrogance. You are definitely not one of my rolemodels.
Bite me !!. you call it arrogance , but I call it being str8 forward … Unfortunately there is only so many people whose role model I can be .. just glad it’s not your … you come across as some whose personality I can only compare to a Toaster oven … Boring !
Support. I won’t support someone just because he is gay! That is absurd. If someone is not true and honest, whether if it’s a game or not, they don’t earn any support. If most of the gay community is dishonest, pretentious, drug addicts or sex addicts, I’m not going to support them just because I am gay too. Loyalty and trust are earned. So Rijesh, maybe you didn’t earn any…
Typical!!!. You would have been the first person i would have voted off … no hold up ! with a toaster oven personality like yours you wouldn’t even have made on to the show … so as i’ve said before don’t hate the playa hate the game ! as for support , I could do without the support of pretentious , fake , plastic people like you who don’t know the difference between fantasy and reality … have a fantastic day
Pretty pretentious Rijesh . Your reaction just proves my point. Would like to know where you got all your info of me to make up such alot of assumptions. I saw anough of you to see who and what you are. I said loyalty and trust are earned. Isn’t that correct? And honesty in life (whether it is on tv, in a game or with your friends) goes a long way. And if I was wrong why are you getting so upset mmm???
Rijesh u lost move on!. People saw through you. That’s why you have been voted off. Your defensiveness proves the point made. Move on!
It’s a freakin GAME !. Another watcher , if you have noticed I have … it back to normal for me .. it’s you people that s dwelling on the past … And as I’ve said before its a game and if you don’t like the way i played it then that is your problem … now go get a life !
Get a life!. Wakka fakka doo da dey, who is watching survivor anyway!
Amen. ‘Nuff said
Fag’s need to stop trying to bring one another down *sigh*. Who’s watching survivor??? Certainly not you ! Its not our fault you don’t have a tv ! Anyway you guys need to stop trying to bring one another down and have some unity among you’ll !
Rejesh…. R…is all that you can do telling everyone they have a personality like a toaster oven? And you say they are boring…? Can’t you stand criticism? But maybe you deserved it. You really come across as a bitchy arrogant shallow guy. Read your comments.
Don’t be cowards !. Nishan … first you need to spell my name correctly before you address me… secondlyI don’t mind the critism as long as people don’t make assumptions about me … And thirdly I am gonna be at pride this weekend I would like for you and everyone else who assumes that I’m Bitchy and shallow to come up and say it to my face … I mean if u have the balls to say it on here I am sure you have the balls to say it to my face
re. nice bod.
To Hendrik. Now can’t everyone just be nice like you
And thankyou for the compliment .
To Rijesh. …but a terrible personality!
true…. If it the game you tallking about , then yes I totally agree … I was pretty bad , huh? But to let you know , I am nothing like that in reality … come around to pride we can party up a storm ..
good riddance. I was so miffed when they won the immunity challenge in the episode before Rijesh got voted off. I couldn’t wait to see him go. But in the next episode, justice was done. I cheered so much when he got booted the neighbours thought I lost the plot.
But serious, I had the misfortune of Rijesh browsing me at gym before I knew it was him on survivor. For everyone that commented on here, he truly is the self righteous, arrogant, opinionated guy you saw on TV. If aura’s had a smell, he would be the sewerage plant.
Each to his own ….
re: Coward. Oh dear Rijesh, is that what your sterling intellect is reduced to? Beating up people as soon as you don’t like what they say?
Thats not my style …. “Beat you up cos you don’t like me ? ” … whatever gave you that idea … Iam just chuffed I got a reaction out of you and , you actually took time off your busy schedule to write on here
Thank you !
good riddance. You really expect me to be so stupid to walk up to you in public i.e. gym or club and tell you to your face that I really think you are all those things I observed and run the risk of getting expelled for insulting & harassing you?
Besides, what would be the point of stating the obvious again, you know that already.
Life is all about yin & yang. In your case case, you got the body, but sadly not the persona.
Why not ?. Why Not? I have had a few people come up and tell me that they hated me on survivor … I cannot expect everyone to like me , but the fact that I am getting a reaction from people says something ? At the end of the day I do not know you and what you say does not make a difference in my life what is important is the people that are important to me know’s both the good and bad side of me and accepts me for who i am .. have a good day
re: good riddance. At least you had the good sense to see through him early on, I wasn’t so lucky!
He can be very very charming when he wants something from you, but it all changes pretty damn quickly once he gets it.
Love the comment about the aura though, quite apt.
bitches from ???. fuck, but you guys are bitchy. Leave the guy alone for fuck’s sake. If you dont like him, then dont talk chit to him. I think he is sexy and cute and so what?If he had won the game, what would your comments be then? “” Ooh , you was great, or ooh, you are the best, you did so well.
Stop being such a bunch of bitches.
Rijesh, you suck!!!!. Ppl dont wanna say it in ur face, b’cause they don’t wanna waste their energy & dont wanna cause a scene, b’cause Im sure a drama bitch like u can make one…
Obviously :). Show me one Gay guy that doesn’t suck ??