Independent Newspapers has launched The Pink Tongue, a monthly newspaper offering news for and about the queer community in Cape Town.
The newspaper will be delivered to selected venues such as Cape Town’s gay clubs, restaurants, community organisations, tourism offices and travel centres.
With a print run of 15 000 copies, The Pink Tongue aims to “challenge homophobia and seeks to engage the Cape Town community in appreciating diversity with the objective of building a more inclusive Cape community,” said Ishmet Davidson, General Manager of Independent Newspapers.
Gary de Klerk, the former editor of City Life who boasts a decade of publishing experience, has been entrusted with the job of editing the publication. The Pink Tongue has engaged a range of high quality freelance writers, whose work span various genres and beats.
“The idea is to steer away from the passé sex-sells approach that most gay publications take and to go for a more intellectual and modern approach editorially for a modern gay community,” said de Klerk.
Speaking on behalf of Cape Town’s gay and lesbian services organisation, Triangle Project, Vista Kalipa, Media Coordinator said, “Triangle Project is proud to endorse The Pink Tongue as a newspaper that will carry out a strong message of the LGBT community to the broader community.”
“We believe this newspaper will be congruent with the spirit of the Rainbow Nation and that it will portray a positive and affirming image of the LGBT community,” he said.
Pink Tongue. Great! We cant wait to get our pink hands on this one. Im so gonna be at cape town tourism asap to pick up my copy.