Homophobic, sexist preacher Angus Buchan leads South Africa in prayer
It has taken a homophobic preacher, Angus Buchan, to lead one of the largest gatherings of South Africans in recent years.
On Saturday, Buchan hosted a mass prayer at Wilde Als Farm, on the outskirts of Bloemfontein, attended by hundreds of thousands of Christians from around the country.
Addressing the massive crowd, the KwaZulu-Natal-based pastor called for a religious, non secular state: “This is not a political change. This is a Jesus change, because we need a Christian government.”
He also said: “I look forward to the day Parliament begins every morning with the reading of scripture and prayer, because that is what South Africa needs.”
Buchan, a Zimbabwe-born farmer and evangelist of Scottish descent who now lives in Greytown, is known for his conservative views on gender roles and his condemnation of homosexuality.
He has also preached that homosexuality can be “cured” through prayer.
“I cannot ever agree that homosexuality is right, I cannot bless it. I love them though, but they need help. We have prayed for them and God has changed their hearts,” he said in 2008.
Buchan, who attracts thousands of men to his so-called Mighty Men Conferences, also preaches that men should rule the home and teach their wives to know their place.
In August last year, LGBT activists in the UK mounted a campaign against Buchan’s UK tour, which included a talk in Scotland. They succeeded in pressuring the evangelical Hope Church in Tweedbank to cancel the engagement.
British LGBT rights veteran Peter Tatchell condemned Buchan for his “misogynistic and homophobic views”, adding that, “His belief that gay people need help and can be ‘cured’ is false and harmful, as are his views about ‘traditional’ gender-roles.”
Saturday’s event in the Free State aimed “to call upon The Lord to bring justice, peace and hope to our beloved South Africa”. It was attended by the likes of DA leader Mmusi Maimane.
In 2015, Maimane was forced to affirm his support for LGBT equality and same-sex marriage, after a video emerged of him preaching at the Liberty Church in which he appeared to suggest that gay people, along with Muslims, are sinners who can be saved through Christianity.
LGBT commentator Scott Fuller wrote on Facebook about Buchan’s gathering: “South Africa doesn’t need his prayers or his hate. You know what we unite behind? Multi-faith, civil society, NGOs, and political opposition marches, because we are a nation that has many beliefs, many cultures, and many races, and we’re founded on diversity. We embrace our differences. That’s something you’ll never hear that farmer preach from his pulpit.”
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DearMamba writer,
It is saddening to see you write such an article while using a hidden name.
I do not seek your name to criticize you. It is apparent that you have the capability to write good articles from your word choices, construction of your sentences and overall layout of the article.
It saddens me to see you write the article because I can clearly see that you do not have a conviction of a loving Father who sent his Son to die for our sins on a cross. It saddens me that you have not left your name, Mamba writer, and I can now not pray for you directly…
I know you will read my reply. I therefore leave you with this prayer:
Heavenly Father. Thank you for giving this writer the talent to write and the ambition to write about interresting topics, such as the faith of oom Angus. I pray Lord that you will bless this writer with creativity and vision to become an even greater writer. I also ask Lord that you please reveal Yourself to the writer for him/her to experience your greatness and glory and Your love. In Jesus name, Amen.
Kind regards
Condescending christo-supremacy disguised as good intentions.
Well said Wimpie… I totally agree with you, but remember we might know them but God does.
It is interesting Wimpie how you can hide behind the name of God to be condescending to the writer of this article. I dont like your portrayal of God in your comment. The Lord Jesus certainly wasnt condescending, he loved everyone and loves everyone unconditionally. He is not condemning. You are ignorant. You are assuming. You are judgemental. Pls do not pray for me. I know who my heavenly Father is and He is not the one that you portray.
Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian.
Why do you envoke your God to defend your prejudices that’s disgusting behaviour stop it!!
The writer is jelous, thats all.
I am a Christian and the Lord has revealed Himself to me. I know that He sent His Son to die for my sins so that I can live forever in Heaven. I also know that He created gay people exactly the way they are and that just like Angus Buchan cannot cure me from being short and white through his prayers, he cannot cure a person from being gay. I am looking forward to spend eternity in Heaven with all the many wonderful gay people that I know that also believe in God. Just like I did not choose to be short and white, they did not choose to be gay. And there is nothing wrong with either of those conditions, by the way.
You are not born or created gay. Its a choice.
Whahahahaha you are hilarious J Pretorius. I suppose you know it is a choice because you are gay?
Well said.
You are wrong my son is gay he fought it for 20 years throughout his marriage
he prayed on his knees and begged Jesus to help him he was born that way
and Jesus loves him so get your facts staight Mr Pretoruis
They criticized Noah and Lot aswell, Then judgement came.
They call it FEAR!!!
Fuck really! This is 2017 sided, anyone who believes this cheap lives in a cave and has no concept of humanity. Mighty men my are, mighty narcissistic morons more like get a grip and get a life. Just quote Bill & Ted – Be excellent to Each Other and we’ll all be fine!
Fuck really! This is 2017 sided, anyone who believes this cheap lives in a cave and has no concept of humanity. Mighty men my are, mighty narcissistic morons more like get a grip and get a life. Just quote Bill & Ted – Be excellent to Each Other and we’ll all be fine!
Life is full of choices. God will not condemn you for something you have no controle over. Diciding to do something that is written in the bible to be wrong is in fact something that we might be judged for. And no, Christians are not there to judge, but they are obligated, according to God’s word, to not turn a blind eye, but to reprimand in order to help their fellow Christians stay on track. Not to judge, but to remind. Not to judge, but with love and concern. If you know the laws of God and inevitably refuse to try to stay within them, it is between you and your Father. All of us are born with a thorn in our side, whether it is to gamble, watch pornography or just the habit of gossiping. But it is up to us to decide if we give in to it or not. I don’t think oom Angus is preaching anything that is not in the bible. He is just doing what he think is expected of him as a christian. And who are we to judge him??
God made you and me perfect in His image, just as we are. We have a gay affirming, loving, non-condeming inclusive church for all LGBTI people where one can serve God freely, fully and intimately – Agallia Ministries – http://www.agallia.co.za. There are a few different affirming churches around the South Africa.
Moses and his people had to spend two generations in the wilderness. Then most of Egyptian thinking had been purged. How long before South Africa’s people’s are purged of false, “christian” thinking?
Serious question. Do gay men start speaking in the classic gay voice when they are children or is it something developed? If it is developed then surely it’s either a choice to be gay or it is some kind of spiritual transferance that manifests with the gay voice? If you are gay. Have you ever considered praying for confirmation that it’s okay to continue or deliverance if it is not?
Serious answer. Wtf.
Every single thing Angus Buchan says is firmly rooted in God’s Word (The Bible). He is not homophobic or sexist, He is simply warning us about what God is saying in these times we live in. The prophets of old also suffered persecution for standing firm on the truth – and that is what he is doing. The problem is that we want to rewrite The Gospel and create one that is acceptable to us. For those who say he is a money grabber have a look at his web site – particularly the part where it talks about finances. He is extremely explicit about the fact that he would rather have people praying for him than their money. He only wants people to give financially if they are absolutely certain God has told them to.
Educate yourself in the Word of God before you share your view, you are ignorant and do not read your Bible enough. Pray more, read more bible. Your views are not in line with the bible, neither is Anchus Buchan’s preachings.
I am so proud of Christians who stand by God’s Word. Jesus loves the sinners but not the sin. I don’t know if homosexuality is a choice or not but I do know that God wants us to love all. A God centred nation is what I pray for daily. This man brought Christians together. He like me is not perfect but is forgiven.
I pray that Buchan and his ilk may be cured of their lack of love, their prejudice and their failure to follow the single greatest commandment. Oh, and also that they can respond to the many issues that this country grapples with rather than react, belatedly, to the latest events when silent on student protests, the killing of minors, the suffering of the marginalized and the failure of the church (in a global sense) to walk in the way of Christ. May they be a people of positive prayer and action.
Mock it as you will, it got 1.7 mill people out at least doing something positive,which, even if you are a God basher, you must recognize as a positive, especially in so far as putting the worlds spotlight on the situation in SA. As far as activities of the other groups mentioned, barely 70 000 managed to hit their local streets in the last “mass marches”, while 1.7 mill trecked across the country and out of their comfort zones to be a part of this. Actions speak louder.
I am a recovering homosexual man
I have been in a battle with God about my homosexualithy for more than 30 years (im 46 now) I did the whole fight for my gay rights and even got legally married to another man. I have loved God all my life and have walked a long path with him.
He has been pasient and never stopped loving me at anypoint ,I on the other hand had some fierce arguments with Him about my sexualithy.
It has been now 6 months since I made the decision to give up my homosexualithy has it been easy? No does get easier definatly.
Did society force me into this decision no I am sure man enought to have stood up to that all my life. Did God force me to give up my homosexualithy no. It was my decision to live closer to God and hope other gay people that have this deep inside question ..yes it is posible.
Amazing comment! Well done!
I am a recovering straight man.
Like you, I battled for decades trying to reconcile my faith with my sexuality. I have also loved God all my life and walked a long and difficult path with Him. Indeed, He has been more patient with me than I with Him about my sexuality. I dedicated 13 years to specifically seeking answers. At the end of it, I came out in my early 40’s. Firstly to my family and Church leadership. It wasn’t easy anticipating the retribution society had led me to believe to expect. But deep within I had found peace. Peace like I had never experienced before. Living in the closet for decades did not bring me peace, only turmoil.
I came out to my family and church leadership first. The amazing grace and affirmation I received blew my mind and confirmed a great deal of what I had come to realize during my period of seeking answers.
Did God, or anyone, force me into anything? Absolutely not. God simply invites us into a deeper, personal relationship with Him and I took up the invitation with amazing results – peace, a fuller, more authentic fabulous life.
The reason for this reply is not to diminish or question your experience in anyway. I read your comment and the similarities resonated with my own experience yet the outcomes were vastly different. It’s been 10 years and I am still gay. And I still love God and know He loves me, as much as he loves you. Do I resent the decades of living a lie deep in the closet trying to convert and pray away my gay reality as defined by “well meaning” Christians? I could, but it’s water under the bridge. The time I lost living in the closet was the trade I made for a stronger faith in God. It was an expensive price, but hey, things worth having are worth making sacrifices for. Perhaps you will agree?
So what’s the point of your story and mine? Perhaps it is that while we might want to expect strict black and white, right and wrong consistent instant answers, the reality is there aren’t any in this instance.
In support of the great Pastor as well as the children of Islam.
All of this arguing is useless. I was brought up in a christian home but cannot say I m religious at this time in my life and that is my prerogative and does not require judging, only mentioning it to explain that I am commenting from a neutral point of view. God loves unconditionally yes but he has given us free will and you exercise that free will when choosing to be gay and by continuing to be gay you make a choice that goes against Christianity. There is really no need to express your opinions on such a matter due to the fact that merely using common sense you can deduct that it is a sin to be gay. That being said every person has the right to their own sexual preferences and no one has the right to judge them. Judgment will come through the Lord.
If someone is against gay people but only for straight people how can they call themselves a Christian…. a straight man are welcome thow he swears have lustfull thoughts perhaps cheated on his wife dont live according the bible as he should be…buy he is always welcome. A gay guy who doesn’t cheat swears and try his utter best to live by the bible loves God with all his heart… he is not welcome. If we say we are Godly people who love like God wants us to love but we judge the gay community but the sinfull straight ones are cool. We are just as sinfull as ANY sinner on earth. If you love God unconditionally no matter WHO OR WHAT you are do you think He is going to turn His back on you because your gay and go only for the straight people. In His eyes ALL is welcome who follows Him…
Dont judge people for what society makes them…. love how God wants us to love. If someone wants to know God and they came to me i would never ask them what is your sexually…. i will say come and learn and give your heart to our Miracle Maker….
Buchan is just a homophobe asshole,….