President Yoweri Museveni
According to a report, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s signing of his country’s anti-gay law is a cover for his passionate secret affair with a young Cape Town man.
The male model claimed, said the report, that he had “a bling life, as the Ugandan president would often bankroll him and frequently fly down to Cape Town to have sex with him and shower him with expensive gifts.”
The night they met in the Mother City, “the horny president couldn’t keep his hands to himself, and the two shared a night of passion.”
The alleged illicit lover commented: “I am very disheartened to learn that he passed a bill that could see people like him being jailed for life, grossly discriminated against and even murdered for being who they are. I don’t understand why he did it, but can only assume that he’s using it as a cover-up to hide who he truly is.
“This is such a low blow to me as his lover, and to the African gay community at large. He’s not taking my calls and is ignoring my SMS’es and emails.”
Well, don’t believe everything you read online.
The claims were made by the Lifestyle Tabloids blog, the same South African satire site that claimed, back in November last year, that one of notorious homophobe President Robert Mugabe’s sons had come out as gay.
More recently, the spoof site claimed that Archbishop Desmond Tutu had formed a gay political party called DRAAMA that aimed to legalise gay polygamy.
Lifestyle Tabloids has also previously “reported” that local television channel was set to broadcast a reality series on President Zuma’s wives and that the Department of Health was planning to launch “quick & easy” mobile abortion clinics.
In the real world, Museveni has called gay people “disgusting” and has condemned them to either life in prison or living a shadowy underground existence in Uganda.
More harm than any solutions will come from this piece of worthless speculation …. how to back a frightened tiger further into a corner, stupid move all round!
As funny as This is I gotta agree with E But what better way to throw suspicion off yourself by having tabloid air this story… true or not nothing would surprise me.